Handelszeitung, 28.03.2024

Board Boutique recognized as one of the "Best Executive Search Consultants 2024" in Switzerland

We are thrilled and honored that Board Boutique has again been recognized by HANDELSZEITUNG as one of the “Best Executive Search Consultants 2024” in Switzerland. A big thank you to our clients and candidates for the inspiring collaboration and for your trust! Read the full article here: https://www.handelszeitung.ch/beruf/das-sind-die-besten-personaldienstleister-der-schweiz-2024-695591


The LEAD, 08.03.2024

Breaking Barriers: Rahma Samow’s Trailblazing Journey to CEO

In the publication "The Lead", Rahma Samow talks about her journey to becoming CEO and mentions how Board Boutique has played a key role in shaping her career.



Eco Talk: Leadership and Military

In SRF Eco Talk on 12 June 2023, Sabine Kohler talks about leadership and the military (in German).


Handelszeitung, 31.03.2022

Board Boutique recognized as one of the "Best Executive Search Recruiters 2022" in Switzerland

Receiving this award by Handelszeitung less than two years after our foundation marks an important milestone on our journey. We are thrilled that our passion for service, quality and our commitment to finding the perfect match is appreciated by our clients. Thank you for your trust!



ESG im Verwaltungsrat


Watson, 01.06.2020

Tipps & Tricks für deinen Weg in das Abenteuer «Selbstständigkeit»

Selber etwas auf die Beine Stellen – die grosse Freiheit oder das grosse Risiko? Was braucht es dafür? Eine Kurzanleitung und Toolbox für den Start.


Finenews, 20.12.2019

Sabine Kohler: Das muss ein moderner CEO können

Das Profil eines modernen CEO hat mit den Patriarchen von einst nicht viel gemein. Welche Eigenschaften ein Chef in der heutigen Wirtschaftswelt braucht, beschreibt die Headhunterin Sabine Kohler für finews.life.
